Budget Ace simply allows you to enter your paycheck information for each month. You can create categories and budget spendings for each of those categories. The program allows you to copy categories and paycheck information from the previous month so that you don't have to recreate them every month. The has graphs and charts to give you a visual representation of your budget.
Publisher description
Budget Ace is used to budget your personal finances and track your spendings. The program has graphs and reports to give you a visual representation of your budget. The program simply allows you to enter your paycheck information for each month. You can create categories and budget spendings for each of those categories. The program allows you to copy categories and paycheck information from the previous month so that you don't have to recreate them every month. The has graphs and charts to give you a visual representation of your budget. The program can even estimate what you should budget for each category based on your previous spendings.
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